Common FAQs
Where is the Foundation located?
The Foundation office is located in St. Boniface Hospital, at C1026 - 409 Taché Avenue. If you’re inside the Hospital, we’re behind the Munroe Pharmacy. Come see us!
How can I make my year-end gift?
Thank you! There are several ways to ensure your gift reaches the Foundation this year.
- Make a secure online gift here. Not only will your donation reach us right away, you’ll receive your charitable tax receipt immediately by email.
- Call us at 204-237-2067 or 1-866-472-4682 (toll-free) to give over the phone, or to ask for one of our staff to pick a cheque up from your home or workplace.
- Visit the Foundation in person in room C1026 on the main floor of St. Boniface Hospital. We are open weekdays 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., and we have a secure mail slot on our door if you’d like to drop off a gift while we’re closed.
- Email [email protected] to have someone call you or come pick up a donation. Please, never send your credit card details by email.
How important is it to give before year end?
The final months of the year are the most critical time of year for our fundraising in support of St. Boniface Hospital, with up to half of donations made during the fourth quarter (October, November and December). Gifts made during this season of generosity make amazing things happen year-round at the Hospital and ensure we can be there for the tens of thousands of Manitobans who rely on compassionate care in critical moments.
We’re tripling that impact, until January 15, thanks to matching donors who will turn every dollar you give into three. That means your gift this season will go 3x farther to power patient care and medical research.
Is it really safe to donate online?
Yes! Our online donation form offers a safe and secure way to make a gift using your credit card. We ensure compliance with all security standards, including encrypting your cardholder data, maintaining a firewall, limiting access to your data, and regularly testing security our systems because we value your trust.
Can I email my donation information?
We would love to hear from you by email at [email protected]. This is a great way to make arrangements to drop off a cheque at our office, or request that we call you. However, you should never send credit card information by email. If you would like to give online with a credit card, please use our secure donation form at bealifeline.ca.
I have a St. Boniface Hospital story to share. Want to hear it?
We thrive on the incredible, emotional stories former St. Boniface Hospital patients and their families choose to share with us. If you are a grateful patient with an amazing story of survival, kindness or compassion, our donors would love to hear it.
We have a Communications team that might share your story with a broader audience, with your permission and cooperation of course.
Contact us today and tell us your story.
Can I work with the Foundation?
We’re always looking to work with good people who are at the forefront of fundraising, to promote excellence in health care and research to create a healthier society. Sometimes, but not always, we’re hiring. See available opportunities here.
If you are interested in hosting what we call a “third-party fundraising event” (social, sporting event or tournament, bake sale, performance, etc.,) for the Foundation, let us know! Contact us and we’ll work with you.
Your Privacy
Will you ever sell my information to other organizations?
Never. We strictly protect the confidentiality of all personal information shared with us by our employees, volunteers, donors, potential supporters, and other stakeholders. We do not sell, trade or lease personal information. Please read our Privacy Policy for more on this.
Fundraising and Financial Management
How much money does the Foundation raise annually?
In 2020, you showed us that we are truly “in this together”, with 4,863 active donors supporting the Foundation. Our revenue in 2020 was more than $14 million in total. For details, read the Foundation’s 2020 Annual Report here.
Our revenue sources include fundraising, investment, and hospital lotteries (see below for more on lotteries). Thanks to you, the Foundation has raised more than $253 million since our inception in 1971.
As always, we closely monitor the use of your gifts. We ensure funds entrusted to us are put to work in groundbreaking medical research and delivering caring, compassionate patient care in St. Boniface Hospital.
Hospital Lotteries
What is the impact of my gift?
When you donate, you have a profound impact on the tens of thousands of patients and their families who depend on St. Boniface Hospital each year. We want you to know how and where your donation contributes to health, hope and healing.
Connect with us on social media! We’re always posting news and photos about improvements to patient care and new research projects that your gifts have made possible. Find us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube.
Believe is published twice annually and is a bilingual publication of St. Boniface Hospital Foundation. It is intended to inform patients, donors, hospital staff and the public about improvements to patient care, innovations in research, and fundraising initiatives. Read past issues here.
We also publish our Annual Report to share successes and updates on fundraising initiatives. Read past reports here.
Can I direct my gift to a specific area in research or patient care?
Yes. You may support any of our fundraising priorities, or a program, unit or piece of equipment that is needed by the Hospital. Learn more about different areas you can support - contact us and we’ll help you find one that’s right for you.
Does the lottery program contribute to fundraising for medical research and patient care?
Yes, the lottery program is one of two fundamental revenue streams that contribute to St. Boniface Hospital Foundation:
1. Charitable giving
- Fundraising (donations)
- Income earned from endowed gifts
2. LotteriesLotteries are run as a business. Lottery ticket buyers do not receive a charitable tax receipt. Net proceeds (profits) of a lottery support excellence in health care and research at St. Boniface Hospital.
Are donations ever used to pay for and/or market the lottery program?
Absolutely not. St. Boniface Hospital Foundation lotteries are completely self-funded. Not a penny of donated dollars is used to fund the lottery program. The cost of the ticket pays for the prizes, promotion, and administration of the lottery.
How does the Foundation invest and manage its endowment funds?
All endowed funds at St. Boniface Hospital Foundation are invested in common with other endowed funds. Funds are professionally managed, with oversight by the Finance Committee of our Board of Directors and guided by a detailed Investment Policy. The attached investment principles guide the management of funds held by the Foundation.
Does 100% of my ticket purchase go to St. Boniface Hospital programs?
100% of the net proceeds (profits) of the lottery go to support excellence in health care and research at St. Boniface Hospital. It is just like a golf tournament or a fundraising dinner: when all the expenses are paid, the remaining amount is distributed through the Foundation.
Should foundations be running businesses?
Donations alone are not enough to fund the Foundation’s programs and operations. Business and social enterprise are novel ways to increase revenues so that the Foundation can carry out its mission, while ensuring donor dollars go where they are intended.
How can I be sure the lotteries are well-run and fair?
At St. Boniface Hospital Foundation, integrity, transparency, and good governance are at the core of our mission; these values guide us in everything we do.
Our lotteries are licensed, reviewed, and regulated by the Liquor, Gaming & Cannabis Authority of Manitoba; financial controls are provided by a professional accounting firm and they are approved annually by the Foundation’s volunteer Board of Directors.
What is the value of the lottery to Manitoba?
Lottery proceeds are instrumental in funding the areas of greatest need at St. Boniface Hospital, Research, and the Foundation.
Does the lottery program contribute to gaming/gambling addiction?
Charity lotteries are considered low risk for gambling addictions, according to studies conducted in Canada and abroad.
The conclusions point to the fact that charity lotteries do not have the features consistent with common addictive traits (low-cost, high game/player interactivity, and instant or quick feedback). The relative high cost of lottery ticket packages and the fact that buyers must wait several months between ticket purchase and final draw make it a lower form of risk than other gaming activities.
To learn more, please go to:
Centre for Public Sector Research, Sweden: https://gupea.ub.gu.se/bitstream/2077/26165/1/gupea_2077_26165_1.pdf
2007 Adult Gambling Prevalence Study (Nova Soctia): http://novascotia.ca/dhw/addictions/documents/Adult-Gambling-Prevalence-Study-2007.pdf