The Healing Power of Music

The healing power of music fills the halls of St. Boniface Hospital. Donor generosity allows musicians to orchestrate moments of comfort and joy for patients, staff, and visitors.

Harmonious pieces echo through the Hospital several days per week as a team of four musicians – three acoustic guitar and vocalists, and one singer-songwriter/accordionist – share their art. These musicians dedicate 16 hours each, per month, to lifting spirits, totaling an amazing 768 hours of music per year!

For some, music becomes a lifeline. Earlier this month, musicians shared messages of how much of an impact their music has had. These stories underscore the power that art plays in healing and well-being.

 I was playing in a waiting area and someone from behind one of the curtains said to me, “Your music is really good for my soul.” Even though I couldn’t thank them properly for being so kind, their words really affected me. I hope I was able to get them through a difficult day, at least a little.

On a regular basis, I’ll end up chatting with patients about their favourite music and artists. I love talking to people about that, since it seems that while they are reminiscing, they aren’t focused on whatever issue might be troubling them. I find the combination of music and talking with people who might otherwise not have someone to talk to incredibly rewarding.

The impact of music on patients’ spirits is palpable; for some who may be feeling particularly low, the arrival of a guitar and a warm smile can be a significant mood booster. In my interactions with Indigenous Health, I’ve found a similar reception of warmth and appreciation. Our visits often evolve into heartfelt conversations with musical interludes.

Through your steadfast support, St. Boniface Hospital is not only able to provide regular music, but even curate special performances. For example, during Festival du Voyageur week, the Hospital had the privilege of hosting Winnipeg singer-songwriter, multi-instrumentalist, and recording artist Sierra Noble, whose performance in the Everett Atrium left lasting impressions.

Donors like you, alongside Hospital volunteers and musicians, are sprinkling moments of hope and healing into so many lives. Together, we do amazing things.

The next tune is yours to play! Give today.