
Our responsibility to you

As a charitable organization, St. Boniface Hospital Foundation must earn the trust of our donors and other community stakeholders. St. Boniface Hospital Foundation’s accreditation within Imagine Canada’s Standards Program independently validates our excellence and compliance with standards for Board governance, financial accountability and transparency, fundraising, and more.

Our focus on accountability also includes meeting the standards and following the guidelines of the Association of Fundraising Professionals and the Association for Healthcare Philanthropy.

St. Boniface Hospital Foundation adheres to the Canada Revenue Agency’s fundraising guidelines, including the requirement to file a T3010 Information Return, which discloses a charity’s financial information, expenditures, revenue, and compensation. Find our T3010 here. 

Summarized financial statements are available in our annual reports. View audited financial statements with notes for 2020, 2021, 2022, and 2023.

Board compensation

Board members are volunteers – accomplished and respected community members who give their time, talents, and expertise to help guide the Foundation. Complying with our Board bylaws and best practice, Board members receive no remuneration, nor do they directly or indirectly benefit from serving on the board. Here is a statement of instances in the past 12 months when the Foundation paid for services or products of companies with direct links to a board member. In each instance, the board member remained at arm’s length, per St. Boniface Hospital Foundation’s Conflict-of-Interest Policy .

Protection for donors

St. Boniface Hospital Foundation takes every complaint seriously. We view this feedback as an opportunity for us to learn, adapt, improve, and provide better services.

We are committed to addressing complaints in a timely, consistent, transparent, and fair manner. To register a complaint, you may speak with your Foundation representative (if applicable), or by contacting us at or 204-237-2067.

To view the Foundation’s Complaints Policy, click here.